Thursday, April 7, 2011

jitterballs and loss of sleep

Less than one week till my second show (ever), and this is me

And what have I learned from the first that I can bring into this show?

#1 Don't let any models leave your site before the show, especially to have a quick drink at the bar!
#2 Always have my wing-woman with me.  Lucky for me, she's back from Scotland for a few weeks and will be by my side throughout the panic, chaos, and doubts.
#3 Don't worry about the little things... people don't notice!
#4 Do what I like, don't take orders from others.  It isn't my show "technically", but it is a reflection of me, so make sure I don't do anything I am not comfortable with.

Still though, I worry about people excited for the show.  Why? 

It's like they say it's better for people to not expect much and be pleasantly surprised over expectations high and them not met.  I'm not sure if the ladies will dig what I'm feeling these days, and I do hope they go along for this ever-evolving journey with me... but what if they don't? 

Can you lose clientele based on one show?  I worry about these things.

p.s. On a completely different note, sometimes i feel like an old soul, and find my style reflects this. Another is perhaps my love for and always calming feeling when I listen to music like this... makes me relax, reflect, and close my eyes for a few minutes.  My man played the entire soundtrack on the weekend, and while I was in the middle of chaos, I couldn't help but stop everything, shut off the sewing machines and take it in. 

It must be played so loud that everything else disappears for that moment.

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