Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Sign

It has been an odd week... and when I have moments like this, I usually look for a sign, something to reaffirm we're on the right track and to keep going...

Had some great meetings with new clients this week about custom pieces, and to be honest, if I could spend my days doing just that, the inspiration and ideas floating around, and knowing you're in sync with someone about their designs coming to life, it is ultimate...

And saw this stop sign while biking up a street in the neighbourhood this afternoon... had to capture it and share with you... Whoever did it, I hope they put more around the city... I think we all need a bit of a sign every once in a while...

p.s. I apologize if a certain song is now stuck in your head all day.

1 comment:

  1. which song?

    don't stop believing? or don't stop thinking 'bout tomorrow?

